Wer uns kennt, weiß, dass wir zum Lachen nicht unbedingt in den Keller gehen, und wir haben uns daher für die aktuelle Ausgabe der Narthex einen kleinen Scherz erlaubt, den wir hier im folgenden als kleines Bonus dokumentieren wollen. Die ganze Geschichte erfährt man im Heft.
Die so genannte Mikronation Molossia befindet sich eigenen Aussagen nach noch immer im Krieg mit der DDR und zwar, um genau zu sein, mit dem ihrer Rechtsauffassung nach letztem Territorium dieses Staats, der Ernst-Thälmann-Insel vor der Küste Kubas.[1]Allerdings wurde die Insel zwar als Zeichen der Freundschaft zwischen beiden sozialistischen „Bruderstaaten“ nach dem Heroen der KPD umbenannt und dort auch ein Denkmal für ihn … Continue reading Wir griffen dies auf und wollten der Republik Molossia als DDR-Exilregierung einen Geschenkkorb zukommen lassen, dessen geplanten Inhalt man auf dem Photo links bestaunen kann: eine süße Sandmännchenpuppe und ein Mini-Trabant für die Kinder des Diktators sowie eine DDR-Flagge, Original-DDR-Fabrikat.Leider machte uns da Corona auch in dieser Hinsicht einen Strich durch die Rechnung und wir mussten es bei einer E-Mail belassen,[2]Die drei Präsente verlosen wir aber in einem großen Preisausschreiben – mehr Details dazu finden sich im Heft. die wir am 7. 9. 2020 an die Republik Molossia versandten. Diese lautete:
Your Excellency,
President Grand Admiral Colonel Doctor Kevin Baugh, President of
Molossia, Protector of the Nation and Guardian of the People, President
of the Republic, Head of State and Head of Government, Minister of
Foreign Affairs, Minister of War and of the Navy, and Minister of Pretty
Much Everything Else,we, the government in exile of the only temporarily not really existing
German Democratic Republic, address your Excellency by means of
electronic communication, since a small virus, even tinier than your
inspiring republic – or rather its political instrumentalization –
prevented us from sending you a package full of marvellous gifts from
our once so productive worker and farmer state in order to underscore
the seriousness and our peaceful intentions of our peace-offering that
his Highness will hopefully find in the attachment.
Napoleon famously said that “size doesn’t matter”. According to our
principles every country should have and has its inviolable rights of
existence and free development. Therefore, we address you as equals and
hope for indulgence on your side that our formerly existing republic is
temporarily not existing as bound to a territory, but “only” to an idea
or utopia. We hope to establish a dialogue between your really existing
utopia and our yet to be and once existing utopia, our temporarily
suspended one.Utopists of the world, unite!
With our highest esteem and in behalf of the central committee of the
German Democratic Republic,Peter Panzer, Wolf B., Karel Kronstadt, Daniel Gräserklotz
Im Anhang befand sich dieses ausführliche Schreiben, in dem wir einhellig an den Friedenswillen des Machthabers der Mikronation appellierten.
Die Antwort seitens Kevin Baugh erfolgte noch am selben Tag:
Greetings and I thank you for your interest in a peace treaty regarding
the East German war. While I certainly appreciate it, our desire is to
continue the war as long as possible. It serves our nation as a form of
propaganda, humor and as an “eternal enemy” upon whom to blame our woes
(not that we have any). We are not seeking to end the war anytime soon.I nevertheless do appreciate your thoughts and efforts on this matter.
It was good to hear from you.
His Excellency President Kevin Baugh
Republic of Molossia
Wir antworteten nur einen Tag später:
Your Excellency,
we deeply respect your personal preference for cold-war politics and
admire your sense for Realpolitik.
We too, in the former GDR, relied and maybe instrumentalized the
advantages of scapegoat politics a bit too much although our enemy was
effectively there and, very unfortunately, won. In the end nobody
believed it any longer, and then, suddenly it was too late. Hence, be
warned of too much of it.Well then, war shall go on. Yet, we know, that a wise statesman as His
Excellency will see our peaceful intentions in this prolongation of war.
We will try to work hard and build a society not in need of enemies and
scapegoating. We want to win the war by peaceful means in order to give
an example to the citizens of Molossia and the entire world.Krieg dem Krieg
Friede dem FriedenWar on war
peace to peacePeace to the GDR
and war on MolossiaUnless, dear comrade, you join the socialist camp and abandon your
destructive habits of capitalism, fake democracy and endless wars and
oppression.Our war is an eternal war for peace and you should join it.
I can really only urge you and appeal to your political intelligence.
War means that comrade Peter Panzer will take charge, the most
reactionary element of our central committee aka „the blond beast“, we
feed only in order to unleash on our enemies.Think it over!
The central committee of the German Democratic Republic,
Peter Panzer, Wolf B., Karel Kronstadt, Daniel Gräserklotz
Diese Mail blieb unbeantwortet.
Damit war klar, dass auf diplomatischem Wege nichts zu erreichen war und wir entschlossen uns zu einer bewährten Methode sozialistischer Außenpolitik: der inneren Zersetzung des Feindes. Dazu gründeten wir eine sozialistische Bruderpartei in Molossia, die United Socialist Workers‘ Party of Molossia. Wir erstellten für diese Partei eine eigene Facebook-Präsenz, die mehrere Male von Fans aus aller Welt kontaktiert wurde und ganze 88 Likes zählt: Link.
Dort publizierten wir diesen Aufruf:
Call to overthrow the patriarchist tyranny of the Republic of Molossia!
Our president spends his time to fight endless wars with actually peaceful countries such as the GDR, working endless hours on his webpage and on the representation of HIS republic!But who did really build and who is maintaining this republic in the sweat of their brows?We the women and workers of Molossia!Engels was absolutely right when he said inside the family, the husband is the bourgeois and the women the proletarian.Endless hours of actually necessary work made us rethink what the actual reasons for our president’s war with East Germany was all about: oppression of women and workers … He sublimates his reactionary patriarchal character into a war with a progressive state that abolished those types of oppression.It is time to make peace with the GDR in order to spent time to settle things here in our own Republic, where we live, work like slaves and suffer oppression.It is time for our own socialist revolution!Down with the president!!Long live the Socialist Republic of Molossia!!!The united women and workers of Molossia
Greetings and thank you for sending the excerpt from your magazine about the DDR. I’m sorry that I didn’t reply to your second email, but I am contacted at least once a month from various people claiming to represent the “new” DDR – in fact there was another one last week – and I get tired of responding. I think the DDR is more popular now than when it actually existed.
But thank you again for featuring us in your article!
His Excellency President Kevin Baugh
Republic of Molossia
↑1 | Allerdings wurde die Insel zwar als Zeichen der Freundschaft zwischen beiden sozialistischen „Bruderstaaten“ nach dem Heroen der KPD umbenannt und dort auch ein Denkmal für ihn errichtet, sie gehörte jedoch nie zur DDR und ist auch komplett unbewohnt (Link). |
↑2 | Die drei Präsente verlosen wir aber in einem großen Preisausschreiben – mehr Details dazu finden sich im Heft. |